Blood Bowl 3 | Patch note

Hello Coaches,

Please find bellow the changes applied during tomorrow’s maintenance.

You will not be able to start new games starting 

7.30am (CET)
Servers will be down at 

9am (CET)
Estimated end of maintenance: 

6pm (CET)

Highlighted improvements

  • The usage limitation for legendary player customizations is now per team instead of account wide.
  • Fixed an issue causing some coach emotes being hidden in the emote wheel


  • Fixed the “Hide competitions for non members of the league” league setting
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a deleted team to still be displayed in the Official Ladder menu
  • Added a “Max framerate” setting in the Graphics option menu
  • Minor UI and UX improvements in the Blood Pass menu
  • It is now possible to modify the logo for an already started competition or league
  • Newly created competitions will now use the league settings as default
  • Added competition and rounds settings in the league parameters tab
  • Added tooltips on competition start, update and advancement buttons.
  • Fixed the Search bar in the Gamers tab of a League
  • Fixed some issues on competitions advancements in offline mode
  • Added an error pop-up when adding an AI team to a competition failed
  • Fixed some controller navigation issues in competition menus
  • Fixed an issue that could cause “Waiting for validation” to remain displayed on validated match reports
  • Fixed an issue when gaining a player advancement at maximum level that could prevent to pick a secondary skill
  • Fixed an issue allowing a player with No Hands trait to pick a Pass Ability characteristic improvement


  • Fixed an issue causing players to run indefinitely in the wrong square of the pitch
  • Fixed an issue regarding On the ball skill when playing against AI causing a unresponsive state during a kick-off
  • Pass range outlines are now correctly updated when planning a movement during a Pass sequence
  • Improved AI thinking feedbacks
  • Loner Skill is now considered an acquired skill for Journeymen and Mercenaries in the match UI
  • Fixed an issue causing block actions not being greyed out in the action wheel after a movement in a standard sequence.
  • It is now possible to select players during your opponent’s set-up phase (allowing to inspect players skills)
  • It is now possible to stand up a player with the Jump Up skill without using the action wheel. You still need to declare the block before standing up if you are not blitzing.
  • Many minor animations and clipping fixes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause set-ups phases to be off the pitch in some cases
  • Fixed an issue sometimes causing a player to appear in the wrong square after the use of Diving Tackle


  • Fixed an animation issue when using Stab trait during a Multiple Block sequence
  • Fixed an issue causing Secret Weapon wheel to appear in the wrong location
  • Fixed an issue causing Secret Weapon not appearing in the dice log
  • Fixed an issue preventing to receive SPPs when a Stunty player was healed by an apothecary ( on a “Badly Hurt” result on the Stunty Injury Table)
  • Fixed an issue causing Juggernaut skill not to appear in the dice log
  • Fixed an issue causing Guard skill foul assists not to appear in the dice log
  • Fixed an issue causing Thick Skull skill to appear in the dice log in irrelevant cases
  • Fixed an issue causing Sprint skill not to appear in the dice log


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