Official Ladder | Soft Reset

Season 1 is coming to an end on 11 September 2023. Here are the details about how the Season 1 player skill rankings will change next season.

To kick off Season 2 and ensure an optimal experience for players of all skill levels, we have decided to implement a soft reset of the Official Ladder.

This will involve two key points:

1- You will have to create a new team to compete in Season 2. Teams from the previous season can still participate in friendly matches and other competitions open to experienced teams but will no longer be ranked in the Official Ladder.

2- The starting division for your new Season 2 teams will depend on your peak ranking in the previous season:

  • For players that peaked between Bronze and Platinum, your new teams will start with the base SR for the same Division. For example, if your peak ranking was 1320 SR in Season 1, your teams will start at 1200 SR in Season 2.
  • If you peaked above Platinum, your teams will start in Platinum at 1600 SR.

We will monitor how this soft reset affects things in Season 2 to decide what changes to make in future seasons.


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